Forecasting Projections inputs


13 September 2023

Input boxes

Example of inputs

The input boxes allow you to make assumptions about how a particular income or expenditure variable changes over the course of the 5-year projection. The input boxes have the flexibility to allow you to specify your assumptions in three different ways.

These are as follows:

Input adjustment Explanations
Same for all years

By default the input boxes for years 2 to 5 will replicate the input for the year 1 input box. By switching this toggle off you are able to input a different assumption for every year.

The default units are a percentage increase (%) for each year, where the value of a variable next year is calculated as: \[ Variable \space last \space year \times (1 + increase) \]The units can be switched to No. (or £ in the case of monetary variables). In these cases the value of a variable next year is calculated as:\[ Variable \space last \space year + increase \]
Input type

By default the input type is set to increase. This means the value of a variable next year is adjusted by the value you type in the input box. Changing the input type to Re-stated value means the value of a variable next year is replaced by what you type in the input box.


Example of variables

There are seven variables which can be adjusted to see how they impact your school’s surplus over the course of the 5-year projection period. To access the input boxes click the the downward facing arrow to the right of the variable name. To hide the input boxes for a variable click the arrow again.

The variables which can adjusted are as follows:

Variable type Explanations
All else being equal, an increase in an income variable will lead to a higher income and larger surplus.
Pupil numbers - The total number of pupils in your school.
Net fees per pupil - Calculated as the total net fees divided by the number of pupils.
All else being equal, an increase in an expenditure variable will lead to a higher expenditure and a lower surplus.
Staff numbers - Staff numbers have been split so teaching, teaching support, and non-teaching staff numbers can be adjusted separately.
Staff costs per teacher - Staff costs have also been split so teaching, teaching support, and non-teaching staff costs can be adjusted separately.
Borrowing costs - your school’s total borrowing costs.
Running costs - your school’s total running costs.
Sales & marketing costs - your school’s total sales & marketing costs.