Plot controls


10 August 2023

When you hover on any plot you are presented with a small menu of controls:

Plot controls

The first (camera) and last (house) are likely to be ones you use the most. Key functionality is summarised in the table below:

Summary of modebar functionality
Icon Functionality
The camera icon saves the image as a scalable vector graphic, ready for you to insert in any size into any document you are creating or on your website.
Zoom the plot to the area you select. Note that the mouse wheel or two-finger scroll performs a similar function.
Pan moves the chart area (but keeps the axes). On a desktop, you can just click, hold, and drag to achieve the same functionality.
Select a rectangular area of the chart. Mainly useful where there are multiple linked datasets.
Select an arbitrary closed area of the chart.
Zoom in on the plot. Note that the mouse wheel or two-finger scroll performs the same function.
Zoom out on the plot. Note that the mouse wheel or two-finger scroll performs the same function.
Auto-scale the axes to show the entire plot.
Reset the axes and the plot to their original state.