Total expenditure


14 September 2023

The total expenditure figure is taken from survey questions from Section E: Expenditure, and totalled from the following questions:

Category Survey Question
Staff 36. What are the total staff costs for employees on the Schools payroll, in the previous accounting year to 31 August
37. What are the total agency staff costs in GBP for those not on the schools payroll in the previous accounting year to 31 August
38. What was the average number of full-time equivalent staff removing duplicates at the school over the previous accounting year to 31 August
Running costs 39. Running costs: Utilities
40. Running costs: Catering
41. Running costs: Consumables, maintenance and welfare
42. Running costs: Governance and Legal
Sales and Marketing 43. Sales, Marketing and Fundraising costs
Borrowing 45. Short Term Borrowing – repayable in 12 months or less
46. Long Term Borrowing - Repayable in more than 12 months
Concessions 47. Fee concessions for staff